AAHOA Board of Directors Give Back: A Night of Service at the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House
AAHOA Board of Directors Give Back: A Night of Service at the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House
By Aahoa Cms posted 2 months ago

At the heart of the hospitality industry is a commitment to serving others, and that's precisely what the AAHOA Board of Directors demonstrated during their recent visit to the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House

On Tuesday, May 7, the AAHOA Board and several AAHOA staff members spent an evening giving back to the community by serving dinner to families at the facility.

The Atlanta Ronald McDonald House is a haven for families with children receiving medical care in nearby hospitals. It offers a comforting and supportive environment where families can stay together during a challenging time.

After dinner, the AAHOA Board of Directors had the opportunity to tour the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House. The tour provided the Board with a deeper understanding of the critical work done by the Ronald McDonald House Charities and the impact it has on families in need.

The AAHOA Board of Directors' visit to the Atlanta Ronald McDonald House is just one example of the association's ongoing commitment to philanthropy and community service. By giving back to a cause right in AAHOA's backyard, the Board demonstrated that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

The Atlanta Ronald McDonald House provides a vital service to families in need, and the AAHOA Board of Directors was honored to contribute to their mission.

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