Ownership & Economic Impact
AAHOA stands for the interests of approximately 20,000 hoteliers throughout the United States. Our vast network comprises over 36,000 member-owned hotels, employing well over 1 million individuals, making a substantial contribution to the U.S. economy.
To quantify these important impacts, AAHOA engaged Oxford Economics, an international leader in global forecasting and quantitative analysis, to conduct a comprehensive economic impact analysis.
The study analyzed the share of U.S. hotels and rooms owned by AAHOA Members, hotel operations, hotel guest ancillary spending, capital investment, and indirect and induced impacts supported by AAHOA hotels in other parts of the U.S. economy – on both the national and state-by-state levels.
Full reports are now available at the bottom of this page, including the full national report, a state-by-state report that breaks down data from each state, and a helpful infographic summarizing the national data.
National Findings
36,807 AAHOA Member-owned hotels in the U.S.
Percentage of U.S. hotels owned by AAHOA Members
Number of guestrooms in AAHOA Member-owned hotels
Map and State-by-State Data
Hover over any state to see the percentage of AAHOA Member ownership in the state, total number of hotels owned by AAHOA Members and State-by-State data, and the total room count. Click any state, and a new tab will open with the complete breakdown of data for that particular state.

AAHOA Member Share of 
U.S. Properties by Hotel Class
AAHOA Members own 60% of the hotels in the United States. The chart at the left displays the full breakdown of AAHOA Member-owned hotels by class.
Additional National Findings
1M employees work at member-owned hotels, earning more than $51B annually
$100B in federal, state, and local taxes
This is equivalent to $777 per U.S. household annually

$327.9B in guest spending annually at member-owned hotels, local businesses, and transportation

Hotel sales annually at AAHOA Member properties
Business sales supported by AAHOA Member-owned hotels
U.S. jobs supported by member-owned hotels
Dollars spent by AAHOA Members with suppliers each year
Contribution to U.S. GDP, representing a 1.4% contribution overall
National Report
State-by-State Report
Industry Partners
The following Industry Partners provide generous ongoing support to AAHOA and our membership. We sincerely appreciate our Industry Partners' contributions to the association and the industry.
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America’s hotel owners

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