Federal Action Alerts
H.J.Res.166 | 
Block President Biden’s Department of Labor (DOL) New Overtime Rule
On June 5, Rep. Tim Walberg (MI-05) introduced H.J.Res.166 to block President Biden’s Department of Labor’s (DOL) new Overtime Rule from taking effect. Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) is leading the Senate companion.

Why it Matters
The DOL’s rule, which goes into effect July 1, would expand overtime pay eligibility to roughly 4 million workers by raising the exemption threshold annual salary to $58,656 and updating that rate every three years.

Deeper Dive
Business groups sued the DOL in a federal district court in Texas on May 21 over the Overtime Rule, claiming the department went beyond its authority under theFair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The lawsuit also claimed the rule violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

Small Role, Big Impact
Write your legislator to let them know how DOL’s Overtime Rule will impact you and ask them to support Rep. Walberg & Senator Braun in their efforts to block the rule from taking effect.
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Vote to Pass | 
Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA)
AAHOA is calling on industry advocates to tell Congress that we need to see the Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA) pass. CCCA sponsors Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) have made it clear they intend to attach the CCCA to any legislation that will receive a vote in Congress. 

Why it Matters
Credit card swipe fees cost the average family over $1,100 every year. And we know they cost AAHOA small businesses even more month after month, year after year.

Small Role, Big Impact
A must-pass piece of legislation is making its way through the legislative process on Capitol Hill. We have another opportunity to tell Congress it's finally time to act on burdensome swipe fees. Take action today and urge your legislators to finally pass the CCCA.
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Garner Support | 
Loans in Our Neighborhoods (LIONS) Act
Earlier this year, Congressman Shri Thanedar (MI-13) introduced H.R. 7242, theLoans in Our Neighborhoods (LIONS) Act.

Why it Matters
This piece of legislation would increase the maximum loan amount for the Small Business Administration (SBA) 7(a) program from $5 million to $10 million. AAHOA knows how important this increase would be for our industry, and we need your help to let Congress know.

Small Role, Big Impact
Write to your Member of Congress to garner support for this legislation and ask them to cosponsor H.R. 7242. Your voice can help move this legislation forward.
Take Action
Garner Support | 
No Hidden Fees on Extra Expenses for Stays (FEES) Act
Congresswoman Young Kim (CA-40) introduced H.R. 6543, the No Hidden Fees on Extra Expenses for Stays (FEES) Act. This proposed legislation requires short-term lodging providers and related third-party sellers to disclose the full cost of a stay upfront, including all mandatory and resort fees.

Why it Matters
Currently, the way prices are advertised across the lodging industry is fragmented and not uniform. This bill would provide consumers with a transparent and easy-to-understand total price for an overnight stay. H.R. 6543 passed unanimously out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on a bipartisan vote of 43-0. If passed, this bill would end unexpected and deceptive fees by requiring short-term lodging providers and third-party sellers to provide accurate and comprehensive price listings.

Small Role, Big Impact
Write to your Member of Congress to garner support for this legislation and ask them to vote in favor of final passage of H.R. 6543. Your voice can help move this legislation forward.
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State & Local Action Alerts
There are currently no active state and local action alerts.
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Staying active and engaged in AAHOA is crucial. This newsletter will provide you with the latest updates on our advocacy efforts, opportunities to get involved, and stories of how members are making an impact.

  • Housekeeping detail: AAHOA Members need to opt-in to receive advocacy news from AAHOA. You can do this via your preferences in MyAAHOA .

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