AAHOA Director of State Government Affairs Rachel Stone Represents AAHOA at the US Conference of Mayors Summer Meeting
AAHOA Director of State Government Affairs Rachel Stone Represents AAHOA at the US Conference of Mayors Summer Meeting
By Aahoa Cms posted 3 weeks ago

AAHOA Director of State Government Affairs Rachel Stone, recently attended the US Conference of Mayors Summer Meeting, where key topics affecting our cities were discussed. Here’s a summary of the important issues and solutions explored:


  • Economic Mobility:
    • Ohio Model grant helps individuals re-enter society, secure jobs, and offers liability waivers for employers.
  • Child Care:
    • Initiatives to help mothers return to work by supporting childcare programs.
  • Homelessness:
    • Mayor Karen Bass: Critiques Supreme Court case on criminalizing homelessness. Solutions need to address root causes and support year-round housing.
    • DC Fly-in Recap: 48 bipartisan mayors advocate for:
      • Exempting Veterans Disability Benefits from rental assistance calculations.
      • Increasing Project-Based Vouchers flexibility and HUD budget.
      • Raising CDBG cap for public services to prevent homelessness.
      • Addressing racial disparities in homelessness.
  • Gun Violence:
    • Bipartisan efforts are needed.
    • Focus on mental health investment and state/federal support.
    • Supreme Court case on semi-automatic weapons under review.
  • Mental Health:
    • Top crisis in America.
    • Early and continuous services for children, including 24/7 handoff in schools.
  • Infrastructure:
    • CARES Act funding for online therapy and mental health services.
  • Public Housing:
    • Current conditions are unacceptable. Use CRA funds to improve quality.
  • Neighborhood Development:
    • Invest in parks, sustainable architecture, and senior housing. Urban development is key to improving quality of life.
  • Making Connections: Rachel met with several mayors from across the country, including Hillary Schieve, Mayor of Reno, NV; Phil Brook, Mayor of Santa Monica, CA; Karen Bass, Mayor of Los Angeles, CA; and Tishaura Jones, Mayor of St. Louis, MO.


Big Picture: Rachel Stone’s participation highlights AAHOA’s commitment to tackling urban challenges through collaboration, advocacy, and innovative solutions.

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