AAHOA Lifetime Member Named to LA County Commission
AAHOA Lifetime Member Named to LA County Commission
By Aahoa Cms posted 2 months ago

Congratulations to AAHOA Lifetime Member Ricky Patel for his appointment by Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn to the Los Angeles County Consumer Affairs Advisory Committee. This committee advises the Director of Consumer Affairs regarding the need for changes in procedures, programs, or legislation to protect consumers and methods for more effective consumer education.

"This Commission is critical to helping LA County educate and, above all, protect consumers," Hahn said in an article in the Downey Patriot. "Ricky has the experience and the commitment to the public good that we need. I'm thankful to have Ricky's input on this important body."

Patel serves as the president of Toli Inc., a hospitality company based in Los Angeles. He is a first-generation college graduate with a degree in economics from the University of California, Irvine. He holds leadership positions with various organizations, including Rotary, International Global Charities, and the Advisory Board of the Anaheim Police Department.

“I am honored to be appointed by Supervisor Hahn to serve on the Consumer Affairs Advisory Commission," Patel said in an article in the Downey Patriot. "It’s an opportunity to contribute to our community by ensuring consumer protection and advocacy remain at the forefront of our priorities."

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