ANNOUNCING AAHOACON24 HerOwnership Luncheon Speaker: Rashmi Airan
ANNOUNCING AAHOACON24 HerOwnership Luncheon Speaker: Rashmi Airan
By Aahoa Cms posted 5 months ago

Dive into the six global truths of Dharma Leadership with Rashmi Airan as she leads the HerOwnership session & luncheon at AAHOACON24, brought to you by G6.

The luncheon, titled “Global Truths to Intentional Awareness,” will be held from 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3.

  • Effective leadership has taken on a new dimension in today’s evolving modern business and tech landscape, emphasizing introspection and service to others. 
  • Dharma Leadership, the core of this transformation, champions conscious and courageous leadership, shifting the focus to personal leadership through intentional awareness, all of which is imperative in today’s ever-changing world of AI. 
  • Rashmi Airan, a celebrated motivational speaker, TEDx presenter, and culture consultant, introduces the six global truths of Dharma Leadership, demonstrating how they collectively create intentional awareness, which leads to connection and culture.

Check out Rashmi Airan’s website for more information

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