Florida Update: Vacation Rentals Senate Bill 280 VETOED
Florida Update: Vacation Rentals Senate Bill 280 VETOED
By Aahoa Cms posted 2 weeks ago

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed the vacation rental bill (Senate Bill 280) Thursday night.

AAHOA believes this legislation would have been a positive step forward for the hospitality industry by holding platforms more accountable.




AAHOA has actively supported SB 280 as it worked through the legislative process. This year, AAHOA Members sent over 300 letters to elected officials asking for their support. SB 280 would have required advertising platforms to:

  1. Submit quarterly reports on all Florida rental units.

  2. Display vacation rental license numbers in ads.
  3. Collect and remit bed taxes.
  4. Establish the Vacation Rental Information System within DBPR for data collection.
  5. Allow local governments to implement robust local registration systems.


Between the Lines

In his veto letter to the Secretary of State, Gov. DeSantis said the bill would create "new bureaucratic red tape" and prevent local regulation:

  • “Beyond creating new bureaucratic red tape that locals must comply with, CS/SB 280 prevents local governments from enforcing existing ordinances or passing any new local measure which would exclusively apply to vacation rentals. Under the bill, any such measure must apply to all residential properties. The effect of this provision will prevent virtually all local regulation of vacation rentals even though the vacation rental markets are far from uniform across the various regions of the state.”


The Bottom Line
While we are disappointed with Gov. DeSantis' veto of the bill, AAHOA will continue to champion a level playing field with short-term rentals (STRs), urging policymakers to implement and enforce uniform and standard regulations that ensure STR parity, data transparency, and a level playing field. 


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