Passing the Torch: Maya Hotels Leaders Find New Meaning in Father's Day
Passing the Torch: Maya Hotels Leaders Find New Meaning in Father's Day
By Aahoa Cms posted 1 month ago

Passing the Torch: Maya Hotels Leaders Find New Meaning in Father's Day

As we celebrate Father's Day weekend, two AAHOA Member fathers are witnessing the next generation take the helm, embodying the spirit of legacy and dedication within their families and the hotel industry.

Maya Hotels recently announced the promotions of Parimal Thakor to president and AAHOA Lifetime Member Krishna Deva to CEO. This leadership transition honors the vision and hard work of the company's founders, AAHOA Lifetime Members Baldev Thakor and JD Deva.

Amid their new responsibilities, Parimal and Krishna took a moment to reflect on their childhood memories and the advice imparted by their fathers. Their stories resonate with the experiences of many AAHOA Members, highlighting how the wisdom and guidance of their fathers paved the way for their success in the hotel industry.

Their reflections celebrate Parimal and Krishna's professional achievements and pay tribute to the bond between fathers and their children, a bond that continues to inspire and shape the future of the hospitality community.

Best Advice From Their Fathers

Parimal Thakor: Some of my father's best advice is to strive to be a good citizen of the earth. We believe that being a good human being is as important as being successful in business. My father also taught me to seek out and learn from good mentors and to remember that success is never achieved by one person alone. This "It Takes a Village" mentality drives me to always surround myself with people and talent who are the best at who they are and what they do. 

Krishna Deva: The best advice my father ever gave me was to live life with gratitude. This mindset of gratitude transforms how we perceive life—every day is a gift and a blessing, and we must honor that gift by making the most of every moment. Whether in business, with family, or in our endeavors, approach life with gratitude. 

Their Favorite Memories Growing Up With Their Fathers

Parimal Thakor: Some of my favorite memories growing up include wrestling with my father when I was a child; it was more than just playful roughhousing to me; it was a lesson in struggle and perseverance. Each bout, though often ending in his victory, instilled in me the importance of persistence and the strength found in never giving up, no matter how tough the opponent. I also remember spending summer breaks at his office and experiencing the unique blend of guidance and freedom my father provided. My father set guardrails but gave me ample room to make my own decisions and mistakes, reinforcing the lesson that true wisdom often comes from one's own experiences and errors.

Krishna Deva: Some of my fondest memories growing up with my father revolve around our weekend movie nights. We would eagerly drive to Blockbuster to pick out a video (and later DVDs!) or head to the local dollar theater. Despite working 16-hour days and the pressures of building a business, those moments spent watching movies and sharing popcorn were cherished escapes. They taught us to make the most of what we had. The value of money was always highlighted by things like sharing a large bucket of popcorn with free refills instead of getting individual containers. These simple, joyful moments are a reminder of the importance of family time and the lessons in resourcefulness that come with it.

What Do They Look Forward To Most In Their New Roles? 

Both: In our new roles, we are most excited about the opportunity to continue growing the company and providing meaningful careers in the hospitality industry. Baldev and JD have laid an incredible foundation, and we are eager to build upon it. We look forward to creating more spaces and experiences that serve as the backdrop for countless travelers' journeys. Our goal is to continue executing on our vision of creating happiness through hospitality. We are also committed to providing career opportunities and creating a great place to work for our team members. We believe that investing in our team's growth and well-being is key to our collective success. We understand that company culture comes from the top, and we are dedicated to leading by example. By making decisions with a long-term perspective, we aim to be like the tortoise, not the hare—making 100-year decisions that will benefit the company for multiple generations. We look forward to fostering an environment where everyone can thrive, feel valued, and contribute to our shared vision. 


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