PODCAST: AAHOA Chairman Bharat Patel and Dr. Kamal Morar Unpack Health
PODCAST: AAHOA Chairman Bharat Patel and Dr. Kamal Morar Unpack Health
By Aahoa Cms posted 7 months ago

AAHOA Chairman Bharat Patel recently participated in a compelling podcast conversation with Dr. Kamal Morar. They delved into the crucial topic of health, specifically addressing the importance of testing early for metabolic syndrome and heart disease.

Their conversation highlighted the urgency for awareness, especially within the Indian American community. It's vital for everyone to understand their health risks and take proactive steps.

Check out some notable quotes from Chairman Patel: 

“I recently was in Cincinnati, OH, at an AAHOA regional, and at the regional meeting, we had a guest speaker, Dr. Kamal, who started talking about health. His conversation really impacted me because I had a heart attack in 2019. Dr. Kamal was speaking my language. He shared how we can be health advocates and also lead the association. I think those two things can be combined. They’re not incongruent.”

“Literally every month, we hear about somebody between the ages of 35 and 55 with some form of heart disease, diabetes, or something, just taking them. The crazy thing is that they don't know it. I didn't know I suffered from heart disease. I kind of had the history of it.” 

“In the hotel business, we worry about occupancy rate, average daily rate (ADR), and REV PAR. But in health analysis, it's one of those things where there are multiple factors. What do you combine, and what do you do next when it comes to your health analysis?”
The overarching message from Chairman Patel was clear – amidst the hustle and bustle of managing hotel properties, owners must not overlook their own well-being. This podcast serves as a vital platform to share this conversation, urging everyone to prioritize their health. Listen to the enlightening discussion and join the effort to spread awareness with your network.

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