Recap: AAHOA’s South Central Texas Hotel Owners Conference & Trade Show
Recap: AAHOA’s South Central Texas Hotel Owners Conference & Trade Show
By Aahoa Cms posted 3 weeks ago

The South Central Texas Hotel Owners Conference & Trade Show was hugely successful! Shoutout to Regional Director Vikash Patel and the Ambassadors for their incredible planning and hard work.


Welcoming over 160 attendees, the event gained 16 new Annual Members and raised nearly $7,000 for AAHOA PAC.


The event started with an inspiring “Power Brunch: Her Path to Ownership” in San Antonio, bringing together nearly 50 women hoteliers. Women are the backbone of our industry, and AAHOA is committed to creating more opportunities and opening doors through the HerOwnership Initiative.


Thank you to Wyndham’s Women Own the Room for co-hosting and kudos to Shetal Zina Patel, Women Hoteliers Director - Western Division, the Women Hoteliers Committee, and Ambassadors for making this event possible.


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