Advocacy Alert

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No Hidden Fees on Extra Expenses for Stays (FEES) Act

What Happened
Congresswoman Young Kim (CA-40) introduced  H.R. 6543, the No Hidden Fees on Extra Expenses for Stays (FEES) Act. This proposed legislation requires short-term lodging providers and related third-party sellers to disclose the full cost of a stay upfront, including all mandatory and resort fees. 

Why it Matters
Currently, the way prices are advertised across the lodging industry is fragmented and not uniform. This bill would provide consumers with a transparent and easy-to-understand total price for an overnight stay. H.R. 6543 passed unanimously out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee on a bipartisan vote of 43-0. If passed, this bill would end unexpected and deceptive fees by requiring short-term lodging providers and third-party sellers to provide accurate and comprehensive price listings.

Small Role, Big Impact
Write to your Member of Congress to garner support for this legislation and ask them to vote in favor of final passage of H.R. 6543 when it comes to a vote on the House floor. Your voice can help move this legislation forward.

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