AAHOA Advocacy Alert

Support Effort to Block New DOL Overtime Pay Rule

What Happened: On June 5, Rep. Tim Walberg (MI-05) introduced  H.J.Res.166  to block President Biden’s U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) new Overtime Rule from taking effect. Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) is leading the Senate companion.

Why it Matters: The DOL’s  Rule, which goes into effect July 1, would expand overtime pay eligibility to roughly 4 million workers by raising the exemption threshold annual salary to $58,656 and updating that rate every three years.

Deeper Dive: Business groups sued the DOL in a federal district court in Texas on May 21 over the Overtime Rule, claiming the department went beyond its authority under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The lawsuit also claimed the rule violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). 

Small Role, Big Impact: Write your legislator to let them know how DOL’s Overtime Rule will impact you and ask them to support Rep. Walberg and Senator Braun in their efforts to block the rule from taking effect.
Take Action
Fill out the form below, customize your letter to your representative, and make your voice heard! 

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