Advocacy Alert

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Contact Your U.S. Representative and Senators!

Credit card swipe fees cost the average family over $1,100 every year. And we know they cost AAHOA small businesses even more month after month, year after year.

AAHOA is calling on industry advocates to tell Congress that we need to see the Credit Card Competition Act pass with it.

Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA) sponsors Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) have made it clear they intend to attach the CCCA to any legislation that will receive a vote in Congress. 

The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 is a package of bills that must be voted on and passed by Friday, May 10. 

What does this mean for our industry?
A must-pass piece of legislation is making its way through the legislative process on Capitol Hill. We have another opportunity to tell Congress it's finally time to act on burdensome swipe fees. 

Take action today and urge your legislators to finally pass the Credit Card Competition Act.  

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