AAHOA Applauds Passage of No Hidden FEES Act; Looks Forward to Next Steps
AAHOA Applauds Passage of No Hidden FEES Act; Looks Forward to Next Steps
By Aahoa Cms posted 1 month ago



AAHOA Applauds Passage of No Hidden FEES ActLooks Forward to Next Steps

ATLANTA, GA, June 12—AAHOA (Asian American Hotel Owners Association) applauds the overwhelming and bipartisan support of the U.S. House in passing the No Hidden Fees on Extra Expenses for Stays (FEES) Act on Tuesday. This legislation, a significant win for AAHOA Members, requires short-term lodging providers and related third-party sellers to disclose the total cost of a stay upfront, including all mandatory and resort fees. This transparency will empower AAHOA hotelier members and guests to make more informed decisions and protect their bottom lines. 

AAHOA has actively supported H.R. 6543 since Congresswoman Young Kim (CA-40 ) introduced it last year. AAHOA Members sent over 200 letters to their Congressional representatives and urged them to move this legislation forward. 

"AAHOA thanks Congresswoman Kim for her diligence in introducing legislation that will help level the playing field for the hotel industry," AAHOA Chairman Miraj S. Patel said. "With this legislation, which requires full disclosure of all fees, guests can make better-informed decisions in selecting a place to stay. We look forward to seeing this legislation move forward through the Senate."

"Currently, the way prices are advertised across the lodging industry is fragmented and not uniform," AAHOA President & CEO Laura Lee Blake said. "This bill provides consumers a transparent and easy-to-understand total price for an overnight stay. AAHOA Members are thankful to Congresswoman Kim, who has been a champion of AAHOA, for her hard work on this legislation."



AAHOA is the largest hotel owners association in the world, with Member-owned properties representing a significant part of the U.S. economy. AAHOA's 20,000 members own 60% of the hotels in the United States and are responsible for 1.7% of the nation’s GDP. More than 1 million employees work at AAHOA Member-owned hotels, earning $47 billion annually, and member-owned hotels support 4.2 million U.S. jobs across all sectors of the hospitality industry. AAHOA's mission is to advance and protect the business interests of hotel owners through advocacy, industry leadership, professional development, member benefits, and community engagement.

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